Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

Double Dare

Firstly, please remind me in future that, should I pass a Karaoke bar, I am to keep on walking as the results, and the subsequent hangover, are really not very pretty.

Anyway, didn't have the energy to go anywhere so we just hung out in our garden, playing Ninjas, which was a lot of fun. As was standing under trees and shaking them so all the snow rained down on us. Nothing better than free entertainment! Here though, the boys were making me laugh as they were trying to get enough courage to go onto the frozen lake, not sure if it was quite frozen enough.

"Dare you"
"I double dare you"
"But I dared you first!"

And so on and so on and so on.

The argument was settled when their stupid very brave mother tested it out, and it was indeed frozen enough. By that point though, they'd got cold and were heading back inside. The Chickens.

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