Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Time is on my side....

The Rolling Stones once sang "time is on my side, oh yes it is" well, I'm afraid that today I have to disagree with Mr Jagger.

Today's one of those days that's whipping by in a hurry with too much time spent doing things I don't want to do (sitting on a bus in traffic, sitting in yet another meeting) and not enough time doing what I need to do.

I once heard someone say "what you think is the light at the end of the tunnel, is in fact some b*****d wearing a head-torch, bringing you more work" and that's a bit how I feel this week.

Anyway, as it's pissing it down raining heavily, I've dug the under-used macro lens out today and you have a photo of my watch. Not very exciting, but that's as good as it gets today.
It was a birthday present several years ago and means a lot to me. Having said that, it's nice when I have no need for it and can take it off :-)

See time fly faster in large

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