
By heraldino

Veritas XI

Bad news: - Justice for all?

It is written in our constitution that all people reserve the right to a fair trial and representation but in the case of an insane, extremist murderer, why is it needed? It's rather obvious that he is the perpetrator, witnessed by many and it is rather obvious that he suffers from a deep psychosis and needs to be put away for life. Why waste taxpayer money on a lengthy trial? Where are the gun control laws to make it tougher on nut cases like Loughner to commit their crimes?

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Good Fantastic news: - A long time coming

This story somehow slipped by my radar yesterday but it is so phenomenal and close to my heart that I'm featuring it today. Although the new wave of thinking still needs to sweep entire countries, this latest ban on bullfighting is one in a string of events that is sure to change the way people think about an old, cruel tradition. No old, stale tradition justifies the torture of animals, it just does not.

Veritas - Latin for Truth

complete on January 10th

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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