Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Old and veiny...

... I've blipped a one of these before, when there was more life in the garden.
Now, they are so papery thin, they seemto be disintegrating before my eyes.
However, I'm always thrilled by the delicacy of the veins.
They remind me of the skin of old people... sort of bloodless and translucent.

A stroll around in the chilly 'nothingness' of January yielded little of blippable value.
I saw a ladybird but the capture wasn't thrilling.
There were two blackbirds ditto.
I expect it's just the eye of the beholder being a bit jaded today.

I almost resorted to a self-portrait. (I'll have to work up to that!).

On days like this I'm wishing for a sprinkle of snow or frost.

Perhaps I'll just buy some glitter and think more creatively!

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