Loney Girl

By loneygirl


During the early 1900's, this now abandoned structure, was once the retreat home of the Dominican priests. It sits on the highest point of Dominican Hill and is visible from various points of the main city. It was also used as a refuge by citizens during WWII but was eventually bombed by invading forces.

In the 1970's it was converted into a hotel/hospital by a faith healer and would have people as far as Europe as guest patients seeking for a cure for their various ailments. It was eventually closed down when the faith healer passed and has now remained unoccupied and left to the elements.

It is perceived by some to be haunted by spirits. This is all hearsay, but walking through the main lobby while taking photographs, there was a certain heaviness that I felt that had me making a mad dash towards the main entrance and out the building.

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