
By Juleshki

Some colour please!


As no such colour is to be found in my garden just at the moment this small bunch of flowers, grown and flown with their own air miles across from some other part of Europe and sitting on my dining table will do just perfectly.

Yesterday and Saturday are supposed to add up to being the most miserable weekend of the year, as we wallow in the aftermath of the seasonal festivities and throw ourselves into misery and depression. I wish I'd known. I'd have made more of an effort.

As it was I had a thoroughly pleasant weekend and it simply did not occur to me to be morose. (Could've used a bit of extra sleep under a nice warm duvet though....)

Cold, damp, windy.
Hence indoor blip.
And indoor colour. Took several shots of fully open tulips but this one said more. Definitely a case in this instance of less is more.

Although I'm usually more of a more is more person!

Hope your Monday has been a good one.

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