Another Spain

By tmyers437

Auld Lang Syne

Robert Burns

Another Year has come and gone and each year they come fast than the previous. This year has been a big one. I started the year out in Spain. That was my best New Years ever! Then back to school on my birthday. Which that is the reason why I still feel like I am 18. But I am going to be 20 in a few days. I'm scared. I'm not going to lie.

But then at school, winter quarter wasn't so great. I was on Academic Probation because of my grades. Spring Quarter was much better. 3.39 GPA!

Then Summer I was back home working 70 hours a week with 2 lifeguarding jobs and Teaching swim lessons. This summer was great. Although I did break my finger going to work very early one morning. I love lifeguarding if I could do it as my job for the rest of my life, I would. You are such a roll model when your a guard. And I only had to save one kid this summer. That is a great story. If you want to hear ask me sometime!

Fall back to school. Finally passed chemistry 151. I joined the Crew team and made so many friends. I also got out more. I actually love school now. And I didn't want to come home in mid November. Even though I missed my family so much.

When I was home for 7 weeks of break. I got a job at Steve and Barry's. And tired to hang out with friends. And dyed my hair red.

What a very eventful year. Filled with ups and downs. I just wish the years would slow down. But I know that wont happen.

Today's blip is of one of my best friends Jenn and I. We are all dressed up and ready to go party! I am wearing a tie that I stole from my Spanish Best Friend last year on New Years. It might be a tradition for me to wear it on New Years. Who knows? check it out next year and find out for yourself!

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