
By Grandmama

Not for the faint-hearted!!

Happy New Year G!! I'll refer to him as G to protect his identity, but this leg belongs to our neighbour, who we visited in hospital today.
G went in for a pretty routine operation for an aneurysm last September. He said at the time ' See you next week. I should be home then, if everything goes according to plan'
Unfortunately, it didn't. In fact everything went very wrong, resulting in several weeks lying unconscious in Intensive Care, 2 weeks in a hospital on Merseyside where he had further operations for skin grafts , several weeks back at the original hospital and now he's just waiting for a bed in our local cottage hospital, where he's hoping to be shortly.
It's been a horrific journey for him, his wife and daughter and all this time he's been confined to bed. He's not an old man by any means, has always been active and we really miss seeing him around the garden where we have many chats and put the world to rights.
This leg is healing quite nicely, but he'll never get full use of it and, at the moment he's having daily physio to try and get him to walk again. It's going to be a long job, but G remains very optimistic and is amazingly cheerful when we visit. He was quite thrilled to think that his leg was going to be shown to the world!! ( Not sure you'll feel the same!)
Normally I would be too squeamish to view something like this, but driving home tonight I realised just how lucky we are to have our health and strength and we should count our blessings daily.
Good Luck G. and keep on fighting., You'll make it.

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