
By rainie

New Growth on Rose

I've loaded this picie from a Vodafone USB stick (mobile internet) amazing that I was able to read the instructions and get it to work.....may be handy on our trip but only if I can get mobile reception....time will tell, then ofcourse I may be having just far to much fun and not have time.

Took this picie at 6.30 this morning, drizzling and kinda dark, I rather like the big droplet on the right sitting on the branch, not too exciting but not too much time.
Heaps better in Large

Did I tell you we are off at the crack of dawn (slight exaggeration) on our trip ..... I did I know.

Still at work until 6.30 ish, then bbq with our traveling friends tonight.

"On The Road Again", so the song goes.

Will catch up sometime

Rainie (who is currently bouncing off the walls)

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