
By ineffable

Bottle Battles

You have no idea the victory this photo represents. This is a mom or nothing eater. This child would rather, and has, starve than take a bottle. However, I've been slowly moving toward victory and today, I won. And these sweet little eyes gazed up at me as she remembered what it's like to be full when Steph's around.

5 Things I'm Thankful For

1) War Eagle, I say that for Lady and Architect A.
2) Conquering Baby S's intense aversion to the bottle.
3) Coming home to a house absent of a Christmas Tree.
4) 4 wheel drive.
5) I got an A- in a class I was taking. I made a 100 on the final. You can understand my confusion. After MUCH demanding, I obeyed my father's orders (could be the first time ever, AM&UK are generally who illicit my fear based immediate obedience - they prefer it this way) and emailed my professor asking him about my grade. It was an error. I was supposed to get an A. That gives me a 4.0 and I could not be more pleased. Not sure what the Big girl school cares about the difference between an A and an A-, but this girl cares and I'm pleased as punch.

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