Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Grumpy toes

It's most unusual for Callum to sleep in his crib during the day as his naps have always been taken on the road, such has been the nature of juggling Reu's therapies and school. But today, I was home with him, tackling the massive job that is the playroom and realising as I stepped away on occasion for a break, that it's more a week's than a day's task. And when Callum nestled into my arms after a lunch of carnitas leftovers, I asked him if he wanted to go to bed and he replied "Baby bed", perhaps in reference to his Russian doll "babies" whom he expected to find there. He wasn't in a great mood when he woke up, head planted on the armchair in his room and really quite grisly, thus this was the best I got from me! Reu's feet last week, Callum's this and how all four of them are growing. Meanwhile Reuben loved his schoolday, and had better news at the hospital's ophthalmologist that the patch is making some improvement to his strabismus. I'll take him back to the hospital tomorrow for pulmonary clearance prior to his surgery next Monday to close the stoma in his throat. I'd thought it a matter of stitching up the hole but that's not the case since the tissue must be moist. And so a horizontal incision has to be made in order to get to the soft tissue to sew that up, so he'll be gaining a new scar. Ah well there are plenty of famous people such as Catherine Zeta Jones who've been trached before him.

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