Lisa and the Boys

By narabug


Went along to Littlehampton Harbour again today to have a play around getting some more photos in RAW.

I really couldn't decide which to blip today, but in the end I picked this one because I was trying something different. I always seem to do one of three things: the harbour itself, Ewan, and macro shots usually of dew drops!

So this is an experiment in blipping something different from usual (for me) and also working with RAW images. I have to say I am beginning to see how much more clarity and colour depth you can get from a RAW capture, though it certainly takes longer to process them even if it's just the odd tweak here and there!

Thank you for your kind comments on my blips of Ewan. I've never been particularly good at portraits but Ewan, being the obliging chap that he is (nothing to do with him enjoying the attention, of course) is a good test subject!

Oh, and you've all had a lucky escape... you nearly got yet another seagull blip lol

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