
By suresnes

Models and Vertigo

This is a photo of my friends doing Vodka and Sambuca (not at the same time!) shots. I don't drink, so I was able to take this picture which I quite like.

Today was pretty full on. My boss was at home in the morning 'cause a guy was coming to fix the heating, so I didn't really get any work done because having her there kind of makes me feel strange about doing work. She didn't seem to mind! The heating got turned off around lunch time, because of a carbon monoxide leak (!!), so I ran to have a shower, and she cooked lunch for the kids! So nice. Anyway, so no hot water or heating for five days which is horrendous, but I would prefer that than dying of carbon monoxide poisoning...

After lunch my boss went to hospital because she felt dizzy and was worried, so I spent the whole afternoon slightly concerned, until she rang and said there was nothing wrong. Then I got off work early because both parents came home early which was excellent!

In the evening we went out with one of K's friends who is a model and freaking stunning. He was seriously pretentious, but we grew to love him as you would a slightly annoying brother. Adorable. Possibly not a brother, actually, since finding my brothers that attractive would be disturbing. Anyway! We went to an awesome expat bar called the Frog and Rosbif (ho, ho) and befriended the barman. That is where the picture was taken. Then we walked all the way across town to another bar which we weren't allowed in since two of our friends didn't have ID, so we defaulted back to our usual club which is called The Hideout. It was fun, except I'd had a red bull at the Frog, and I have vertigo (which is why I don't drink) and it turns out that I can't handle that much caffeine either! I spent much of the night pressed up against the wall, not able to move. But the music was good and my friends kept talking to me so it was fine :)

K came back to mine with me, which wasn't as cold as we thought it would be, given that the heating was off. We had a 6.30am snack of pasta and bacon and then went to bed! Quelle nuit!

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