
By willowfae

Frozen in time

The school I teach in is an old converted mansion from the 1800s. The corridor that leads out to the side door is part of the old servants bit. As you go through a door in the corridor the woodpanelling and elaborate ceiling stops. Down this corridor, high up on the wall, is a long row of bells that would have been used to summon the servants. As well as the communal rooms there are 8 bedrooms, with several extra bells for dressing rooms attached to them, and 2 nurseries. I love the fact that they haven't been taken down.

Next to them is a panel of lights which presumably replaced the bells when the technology moved on. I'll try and blip that tomorrow.

I wasn't sure whether to blip this pic or one that showed the long line of the bells but I liked this one because you could read the labels.

Here is the longer one.

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