Odd offerings out & about

By roymci


As per my previous post, the girl in Lush sold up how wonderful their facepacks are and then that they had to be kept refrigerated.

I got home following my Xmas present shop and went upstairs to wrap everything up and discovered the facepack amongst other things. I put it outside the skylight window thinking I would move it to the fridge later.

Anyway I forgot and then I posted a blip which reminded me but I still didn't bring it in. The good thing is we have never had temperatures higher than that of a refrigerator since Xmas.

The weather has been so dull and boring today & despite a trip to scenic Grangemouth, I had to find an "about the house" blip today so I went and brought in the facepack.

It is now in the fridge ready to do it?s work and it is called Ayesha. I can clearly recall now that it was the least disgusting smelling of the four on offer at the time! It has clay, asparagus, kiwi, elderflower and witchhazel in it. What?s not to like :)

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