
By SomeGuyInNJ

Woodpecker Wednesday

Also Large

Well I think we may have had about 8 inches of snow last night. It was all stopped by 7am when I got up. There was some bright sunshine and no wind, which was great for clearing up the snow. Though my ankle and wrist have now been screaming at me all day at least the light was nice and the sun felt warm while clearing the snow.

The birds love the feeders right after (and during) the snow. I guess unburied food sources become somewhat scarce. I think judging by the pics in my wifes "Compact Guide to New Jersey Birds" that this is a Red Bellied Woodpecker.

Its a pity the shadow of the house always stops me getting good light on the birdfeeders in the morning, but you cant have everything can you?

This shot is produced from the RAW file using a trial version of PhotoShop Elements. I think I have a bit more learning to do with editing RAW files. Isnt learning fun?

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