Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Glowing Green

My new toy - well, actually it's pretty functional. It's a button you attach to your computer, which you hit whenever you leave it (to go make tea etc) and it puts your machine into sleepmode automatically, to save energy. Clever wee thing also tells you, when you hit it to switch on when you come back, how much carbon you've saved. All good, as I do have a terrible habit of leaving my laptop "on" all evening - not good for the old environment really.

You wouldn't believe how much effort this shot took - ended up getting the tripod set up and all sorts. And I'm still not happy with it, but it's late, it's been a long day and I'm tired... the challenge was trying to get a sharp shot of something which "pulses" light - it kind of gently flashes to remind you to switch off and to act as a constant reminder that you are using energy. But it meant the light settings were really tough - way beyond my technical abilities. I was on the verge of getting a bit frustrated, so decided on "best effort". Any tuition or guidance from fellow blippers about how to approach such a shot very gratefully received!!

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