
By suresnes


This is the middle child counting to thirty in the middle of a game of hide and seek (cache-cache in French, which literally means hide-hide).

Today has been a mixture of good and bad. The eldest child and I had a big argument in the morning because she slammed a door in my face while I was trying to sort something out for her. We made up later, but it was pretty ferocious! I did it all in French too, which I am strangely proud of. At lunchtime her friend came round which was cool because they occupy themselves which meant I was free to play with my shiny new computer!

In the evening we all went round to the next door neighbour's house to have a bath since there is still no hot water here. It was so hot in their house compared to ours I actually had to take my hat off, which has been a permanent fixture on my head since last Friday.

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