
By middleman



...which brings us to late afternoon. A part of the day when I had a little time to myself to take some paths up a hill in search of photographs. Except the bit of hill that I wanted to go up was off the path, but it looked like if I could just walk up that teensy-weensy little slope I'd be up near the top and who knew what wonderful vista awaited me over that crest? Now, the grass looked solid and it was a bit slippy I'll grant you but it looked like there were some places where I could get a decent purchase, and what with me being as dexterous as mountain goat, I just thought what the heck. My next thought was "Protect the camera!" as I found myself sliding down the slope on my arse, pretty muddy, pretty soggy. And, the SLR round my neck was just fine, but the little compact I use for blipping that was in my hand suddenly started showing the dreaded 'lo battery' warning and refused to do anything. Bah....

Still, in an effort to photograph something I at least finished the film in the SLR and, in an evening of rock'n'roll madness, have developed the film alongside doing some accounts and tax return preparation. Accompanied by a lot of tea and a fair few run throughs of the recently-purchased Console album from the recent London trip, as well as some great and unexpected tunes that came my way from this particular KC.

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