Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

All That Jazz

Traditional jazz was very popular in Britain when I was in my teens (a long time ago) and I was an ardent fan. I came across some of my vinyl records from that era recently, when I started on the major re-organization and clutter reduction program C and I have both resolved to accomplish this year. Of the few records I had, there were more of Chris Barber's Jazz Band than any other group.

Sorting through old possessions inevitably brings back memories; seeing this record again reminded me of my admittance application interview at Birmingham University. When asked what my hobbies and interests were, I said that I liked traditional jazz and had just read a book about its origins and history. I mentioned that Chris Barber was one of my favorite groups. One of the interviewers then asked if I knew the name of the vocalist. I said, "Yes, of course, it's Ottilie Patterson". "That's right", he replied, "she's my sister".

I've often wondered whether I would have been accepted if hadn't known that, or worse yet, given the wrong name.

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