
By chrisugden


Good results come in many forms in the lab. This is one of the most significant for me in a couple of very slow months and has made me very happy.

The presence, and most importantly absence, of a black band at the right hand edge of this blue sheet of transparant photographic film indicates a result we'd hoped for but never really expected.

This is a Western Blot a common analytical technique we use to detect specific proteins in a given sample of cell extract. In our case, the soil amoeba Dictyostelium.

What this result say; We already know that under normal conditions the specific protein A undergoes a biological modification, when treated with a certain drug X. When we mutate another specific protein B, this same modification of proteinA does not occur. Suggesting that protein B is in someway responsible for the said modification of protein A in response to drugX.

I'm not sure i'd win any prizes for science communication to non-scientists here :)

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