Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe

This camera doesn't lie

That old adage 'The camera never lies' may be true, but I'm more interested in the perception or interpretation by our brains of what we see.
So yesterday, when I saw these huge blue pipes being delivered, I wondered if, without any tricks or tinkering, people would think they were much smaller than they actually are, by simply not including any other visual references.
Today when I re-visited with the car, they looked even bigger than I remembered! OK so it is only a Smart Car - but did it work?

We build a life time of visual references and perceptions, but the eye can still be deceived - like the well known picture of the young girl and the hag, or the eternal staircase.

As a child I saw faces in the floral pattern of the curtains, seas and islands in the skies. Hopefully there will be other visual surprises here in my blip journal, I've already got my eye on some monsters in the woods!

Here's one I blipped earlier of Google Earth

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