Midcentury Lass

By midcenturylass

Fish Market

Just a short walk from my work is the central part of Newcastle Quayside. It's very handsome and the multitude of bridges always take my breath away (favourite - High Level Bridge...). I'll take more photos of those when I feel more confident with my digital SLR.

One building you might miss because its under one of the bridges, on a wierd section of road and near the business end of the Quayside, is the old Fish Market.

It used to be a cheesy nightclub but is now the new Riverside music venue. I love the figure of Poseidon, King of the Sea and his lovely fish market ladies. It also has lovely iron gates, which I'll show you another time, with seahorses on.

There are cobbled streets outside and the amazing Swing Bridge opposite (it splits in half and swings open like a gate! come on, that's amazing!).

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