The Chaos Bros

By vik

River Tay

Grandma and Grandpa were looking after The Bros today while we went up to Angus.

Bro3 declared himself 'very cited' that Grandma was picking him up from nursery and when his teacher said 'Your Granny's here' he was quick to correct her. 'That's not my Granny, it's my Grandma!' Silly teacher won't make that mistake again. He sounds like he ruled the roost today and bossed Grandma & Grandpa about most of the time. He even told them there was no salt in Tesco so they didn't need to go there. Grandma and Grandpa survived the day just about and have gone home now much more tired than The Bros.

I took this shot of an oil rig in the Tay as we got back into Fife.

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