Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Divining the future

Today was the much anticipated send off day and in all of the commotion and activity of catching the train up to Washington I only thought to snap this one shot. Behold the swirling abstraction of art that comes unbidden in the unlikeliest of places...like your cup of hot coco.

Divining this cup is anyone's guess, but it feels good to be on my way. I do not know why but no matter how much I travel I still always feel restless and anxious before any long journey. Hugging my mom and dad farewell to step on the train as it chugged North to Washington I finally felt a relief of that tension. On my way, no more looking back, unwound finally like a slinky cacadeing down the steps in much anticipated repose and unburdening.

My flight is on the morrow, but I've come a day early to get a head start and to see Isabelle here. We have some last minute things to talk about with our project, plans to make, and things to do. It is becoming familiar now to meet her at the station and I appreciate all of the coaching she has been giving me about filmmaking. I can count on her, and if things go right in a few short weeks I will see her again half way around the Earth in the steamy warm air of Thailand.

We will see what the future brings soon enough...

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