Parking lots

The weather has been fairly terrible today. Another busy day, which included accomplishing nothing really but a good teeth cleaning for the entire family. A few work things accomplished but so much more on the list.

I've decided that I need to put a small notepad and pen in my jacket pocket. I hear all sorts of hilarious or interesting things all day long of which are long forgotten or mis-remembered by the time I get home. I know my oldest told me a completely insane story today while we were driving him home from school, but I cannot recall it for the life of me. Dang.

So first thing tomorrow will be the purchase of a nice little notebook. Fair enough.

A blip in desperation tonight. They installed LED lights in our parking lots at work last year, and they are incredibly bright. So I stood under one and click. Lame? Yes. Thought provoking and desirable? No. A blip? Yes.

The boys are abusing one another in the bath. Time for bed!!

And a HUGE thank you for all the lovely comments and hearts on my blip yesterday.

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