this luminous life.

By Laura

Red Room Blues.

Pygmy Lush.

Not really the kind of picture I wanted for today.
[A year ago today involved a restaurant too.]

Some goals and guidelines for myself:

-Don't sweat the small stuff.
-Focus on the happiness of the moment.
-Do well in my last semester of college.
-Earn and save up enough money to be on my own by December.
-Write more. Write more, dammit.*
-Figure out what I really want. (Job. Friends. Where I live. Etc.)
-Not be afraid to speak up for myself. And take a stand.
-Be more confident and remember that I am awesome.
-Know when to keep trying... and when to give up.
-Remember that my happiness comes first.
-Keep playing volleyball & try other athletic activites sometimes.
-Continue to blip religiously. And take pride im my photos.
-Smile. Laugh. Live. Love.

Anything else?

Smash your tv and have adventures.

*I've been thinking about including chunks of my writing project in my blips. It's my senior year writing project and should, by the time I graduate, range about 100-150 pages long. Only fifty or so have been written so far; I have a long way to go. Perhaps posting on blip and getting some feedback might help with revising... and ideas. :)

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