Paaahnd a bowl
This is Leicester Market
Over 700 years old and Europe`s largest covered market....but changes are afoot and the Council....bless `em..are starting to take down part of the roof which runs down Cank Street to the right of this shot to make way for a `new` Plaza style outdoor eating area.
The Marketeers and a lot of Leicester people a bit miffed about this, they where consulted and didn`t want the change but Council being what and who they are decided to go ahead and do it anyway and now the demolition is taking place.
All the stall holders who traded on that part of the market have been given temporary pitches until the `revamp` is complete.
How many of them decide to stay....who knows..... but a little bit of Leicesters` heritage will be lost forever.
The shouts of `paahnd a bowl` is what you will hear all over the market as some traders sell fruit and veg by the bowl full I think as a way of getting round having to sell produce by the kilo/pound and dual certainly shifts the stuff and you get a lot more for your money that way
Happy weekend every one. I`m off to Preston to watch a footie match...deep joy
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