creative lenna

By creativelenna

moon raccoon

We were enjoying our normal walk through DeSoto National Memorial today, just ambling along. I was taking photos of a huge Gumbo Limbo tree when a man asked my husband if i saw something in the tree? He said to him, No, she's just taking photographs of the tree! :^ ) This same man told my husband he had just seen a raccoon way up in a Live Oak tree.

When we first went to the tree we did not see the raccoon . . . . wait! We heard some rustling and some acorn shells dropping! And there, waaaaaay up in the tree, a raccoon was having tiny acorns for supper. I saw the raccoon reach his paw out, grab some leaves and nuts and crunch away. He did not seem to care that we were there taking photos of him or that our dogs were sniffing about on the ground below. While I took photos, there was the moon, right smack dab behind him, amazing. We often find plenty of water, leaves, flowers, boats, dogs, people, tropical foliage, shells and feathers on these walks, but rarely a moon raccoon.

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