365 with orange gearle

By orangegearle

self portrait

Believe it or not, I had to take a zillion before I could get one of these to sorta work!!! I will not be doing any self portraits again. I only did it because it was the theme this week at the 365: the 2011 edition, over on flickr. It's just plain annoying and I never like the results! One of the reasons I need to take more photos is because I don't appreciate being in any of them! :-) If I'm the one taking them, then I won't be in them!

My soul mate took a bunch of photos after I fell asleep last night. His are awesome. Just awesome enough to remind me that I'm such a newbie to all this. Bleh. I'm jealous. LOL Really, though....I'm glad he's got the touch. I have some great photos of our daughter because he's taken them! :-)

Must sleep now.

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