New Toy.....

So today

Woke up, fell out of bed,
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late.
Found my coat and grabbed my hat &

Bought a lawnmower !!!Look at it, it's a beast !! So much better than the electric one we had before !!

Petrol Power !!....I have never been excited about hardware stores or lawnmowers it old age ?

It was soooo humid today so prob not the best day to cut the grass but I was itching to try out my new toy !! Unfortunately the humidity means that we have leeches in the garden !!....I found out when one was stuck to my foot earlier.....I became such a girl about was huge....obviously enjoying my blood too much !! Andrea burnt it off.....yuck yuck yuck !! It took ages to stop bleeding!

Anyways we headed out for a few beers with friends....well earned beers after sweating our arses of in the garden all afternoon !!

A lazy Sunday is in order I think !

Dunno why the Beatles Lyrics just came to me when I thought about my morning.....

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