H2 is playing at blipping

By H2

Grays Court on a grey but happy day

This is the front entrance to Grays Court. It's now a tearoom, but about seven hundred years ago (alright, nearly 20) I used to have lectures in this building. Have very fond memories of having to stop for five minutes at midday because its vicinity to the Minster meant the noise of the bells made continuing to discuss Shakespeare or 20th century drama or whatever it was that semester impossible.

Favourite moment was in one of Dr Middleton's seminars.

Rather pretentious drama student, Nicole: "Don't you think that theatre is a statement?"
Dr Tim: "Quite possibly, Nicole, but what is it saying?"

Today I went in for the first time in 17 years, not for a seminar this time but to meet my lovely friend Annie for coffee. I wondered slightly what was going on when she ordered decaf, but it all fell into place when she showed me the image from her first ultrasound scan.

Excited doesn't quite cover it. :-)

The imperfections of the old place are more visible large.

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