A Lifted View

By liftd

Nuts & Bolts

connect my pipe dreams. I imagine when I first give
birth to my ideas, the nuts, bolts, and pipes that put
them together are shiny and new. Sleek and sexy.
Maybe they were glass pipes that fit together with
titanium fixins. My ideas fired off and traveled around
my head in style, hitting my corners of my mouth and
making me smile.

I figger that this is what the synapse center, where
my scintillating schemes 'n dreams slip from, looks like
now. Signs of wear and tear. Old. Industrial. Reliable.

It doesn't take anything fancy to think of something
shmancy. Or to build it. So much stock is put into new,
new, new. If you put an analog camera into my hand,
I don't know if I could use it. I'm sure if I did know how,
I could create something beautiful.

Chevrolegs will get you from A to B just as well as 3.15 a
gallon will. I saw these pipes today and these thoughts
popped into my head unbidden. Nuts and bolts aren't sexy,
but tear apart a lot of things that are sexy, and nuts and
bolts hold them together. I've seen some really sexy things
missing the right nuts and bolts, like certain human beings.

Sometimes ugliness is needed in life, and there's a kind
of beauty to that.

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