The Corner of Your Heart

By LifeInEveryWord

Don't fall asleep

4 caffine pills, 6 periods, and 2 massive tests later I was home free
A free period, an elective, a free period, then photo club
And then I came home and absolutely crashed
Next thing I know, it's 8:30 and I have yet to study for my AP Psych quiz tomorrow
Now I'm wide awake, I haven't eaten in hours, and my flashcards are blurring in front of my eyes
I blame these classroom lights

I really think it's ridiculous that our first class starts at 7:30 am. That means waking up at 5:30 am in order to shower and look semi presentable in time to catch the 6:50 am bus. I mean, it's nice that we get out at 1:37 but I'm at the school until 3:30 most days anyway, so it really doesn't matter
These days I'm always tired. I could sleep 10 hours and still feel exhausted upon waking up. And it doesn't help that I between clubs, studying, and outlines I only have time for 5 hours of sleep on a normal school night
Sleep early tonight? Perhaps
After all, it's already 10:11 pm
Maybe getting off of blip would help...

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