Plot 17

By plot17

Thy wee-bit housie, too, in ruin!

A couple of weeks early for Burns, but very apprpriate today for this wee moose's nest. A cosy wee nest about the size of a large grapefruit, made of grass, moss, and honesty seed heads.

I've had a pond on my allotment for several years, and last summer I discovered a split in the liner. This was my one window of opportunity to replace it before the frogs arrive in mid-February.

Every bucket and container pressed into service to empty it, a couple of little frogs 2-3 cm, probably from last year came out with the mud. It was on lifting the old liner I found the nest, and two mice made their escape. The 'burrows' on the left are how they reached the nest which was about 20 cm from the edge

I shouldn't be sentimental about them, and they probably wont be homeless for long; the new liner is sitting open for now and since it was underlaid with an old duvet, that should keep them warm enough!

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