The weather today is even worse than yesterday, so there is no way I'm venturing out with a camera today!

The wind is so strong you can hardly stand up in it, let alone hold a camera still! There are balls of foam spray off the sea blown right up the field - the waves are smashing up against the cliff face and the spray is high in the air.

It has never got properly light today, when I went along to the ponies at 11am, I still needed my car lights on. This afternoon I was going to take my decorations down, but decided I would really miss the Christmas lights and all the little candles so shall leave them for another day.

This is the perfect weather for lighting the fire and sitting down with some knitting! A work friend has just had a baby boy so I got to work! My youngest sister tells me babies don't wear knitted matinee jackets anymore. Oh well!

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