
By Drysailor

Winter Visitors

Am nearly back to what passes as normal for me !! Just a runny nose and a bit "Throaty". Didn't want to push my luck with going out, very cold and some rain this morning. So was looking for an indoor Blip, when from the Kitchen window saw our Tit Food Balls, were over-run with Long Tailed Tits. These gather into large flocks of 20 or more, and hunt for food, usually only seen rarely in the Summer, they suffer badly during prolonged freezing weather. The quality is not as good as I would wish, but I was snapping thru the window, at full Telephoto and then had to crop as well ! They are tiny birds as well, only about half the bulk of the Blue or Coal Tit. This Blipping is making me want a better camera !! Did the indoor jobs today, changed the bed, Hoovered etc. Will get Dinner tonight, just to say "Thankyou" to L for putting up with me !!!!

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