
14 months 25 days

This is Katie with her glitter lamp, although it doesnt show the glitter very well in the photo, as it is silver glitter. I decided she should have something sparkly nice for when the Christmas twinkles were packed away. I ordered something from ebay. It arrived and was 3inches high. Totally rubbish. A friend very kindly gave us this yesterday. She loves it. And the bonus is that it doesnt get particularly hot even when its been on ages. But she was signing twinkle twinkle at it all evening. It has now been put on a table for safety's sake though, once she'd had chance to have a good nosy.

We had a really lovely day. We went to Church this morning, I ended up in creche with her, although it wasnt' the plan. But we had fun. A previously mislaid box of books was located and she had me read almost every one.

After a short sleep, we went to the Cousins for Sunday dinner. She played very happily before lunch, sat on the floor with a pile of metal measuring cups, small pans and wooden spoons. She also found a bag that she wandered round the house gathering items to stash in it then transfer into the washing machine. She did really well at lunch, sat very well and ate a good lunch. Including a giant homemade yorkie pud of course. She had another charge round with the Cousins after lunch, until it was creeping on for about as late as I could leave it for her to sleep. I told her we were going and to go get her shoes. She came back pair by pair with every other persons, ignoring entirely hers. She was grinning as she did it, as though she knew exactly what she was doing!

She did sleep - in fact, she came in the house and headed straight for the stairs to her room, until I had to wake her up. We had a nice play together at home, just reading books, sorting shapes and rather a lot of prancing about to music. Come bedtime I asked her if she wanted a bath. 'No. No' she replied, shaking her head vehemently, as she walked to the bath and stood jumping up and down and pointing to get in it.

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