Flowers and tears.

By mamouchi


I have been away from blip and so taken by my new photo gadget, that I only have had eyes and time for it. I have digitalised my old negatives from late 60th until late 80th. Marriage, children, holidays, happy moments that brought tears to my eyes many times. All the bad colors of 70th are in black and white fine.So happy! I have transferred 400 pictures to my computer and will put them to cds tomorrow. I might make different photo books..
It has been mighty cold, -28 C, so no running out. Today it changed again, it is snowing and some -8. Heppu was happy to get out. He was seeing vet and got some medicine with what we must wash him four times every third day. We hope it will take away the skin problem that he has.
Good night it is midnight here and everyone is sleeping, soon me too!

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