jeni and the beans

By themessymama


HOORAH for Sunday evening. Cheeeeeese!!! And not just any old cheese. CHEAP cheese.

So I can eat lots of it :D

Yumyumyum :D :D :D

I might have another car biscuit as well. And a cup of tea. Oooh I love Sunday evenings.

The other photograph I took today was of Ben eating his dinner. It was an iPhone pic, and a pretty rubbish one at that, but it was a milestone and needed recording: Ben has started learning how to use a knife. And was enjoying (actually eating, and enjoying) a chicken dinner with us. When he started eating solid food I thought we were doing great. Then he hit 1 year old and got really incredibly picky - but he's got through it. Lots of no pressure, lots of opportunity to try things, lots of seeing us eating things, and now he's not only trying new foods (and then deciding if he likes them or not) but he's actually eating more than just the roast potatoes from a chicken dinner. And wanting to cut his potatoes up to make them easier to eat! So he had a little lesson on how to use a knife, and got the hang of it pretty quickly.

The other photos I wish I could have taken today were all from church this morning but I had no hands free as I was playing bass. Ben sitting on the front row watching us soundcheck, hands over his ears. Or alternatively standing in front of a couple of chairs, drumming along with us. Or at the end while we were packing down, sitting on the drummer's stool, drumsticks in hand, happily drumming away (with a fair bit of rhythm!), making our drummer (also called Ben) a little worried that he wouldn't be needed next time. Or rocking a little baby in her carseat, rocking it so gently, saying "come on, come on" to her in the gentlest little voice. Beautiful moments. I'm so proud of how he's growing up.


Sentimentality over.


Addicted? Moi?

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