Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

The skating lesson

So today we took 2 of the kids skating. the baby minion is still a bit small to be on the ice. (not quite 2 yet, plus no skates small enough) Daughter 2 was with her dad this weekend. ANYWAY..

this was Alex's first time on the ice. he kept wanting to take breaks like every 5 mins it seemed. but it was awesome that he had more confidence about being on the ice. this little skate park is just a quarter mile up the road from the house.

Tomorrow being a holiday here, there's no school. so we've decided to take the kids again tomorrow. hopefully the hockey players abide by the free public skate hours.. and stay off the ice. they're really intimidating to a little kid trying to learn to skate.

This photo was by far the best one i think of the ones i snapped with my camera phone. not an easy feat for someone who is still learning to get their balance on skates again. haha. i took about 6-7 pictures with my camera on my phone today..all of them have been posted to my facebook account. i'm not in any of them for the obvious reason, i'm behind the camera hahaha!

have a great evening ;)

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