Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould


Look, I can write 'moon' with the moon.

Pretty boring one really, but, I've had such an uneventful day. Teaching on and off from 11am till 6pm so by the time I got home it was dark. I resorted to my usual 'sit in front of the computer and eat pasta' routine.

At 9 o'clock GMT +1 I went for a walk into some dark areas to get some shots. I tried taking one of the beach at night but it looked crap. So I walked around and thought of other things I could do. I couldn't think of anything, and usually in that case I'll push myself to get a photograph that I will grow to hate.

In fact the more I write about this shot for today the less I like it. I was over the moon when I got it though, pardon the pun. I tried it once when the idea came into my head, I failed miserably so I tried it again, and again, and again. I became obsessed with getting it right. I had to get it right before I could walk home. Anyway, as much as I don't like it, I'll deposit it here on my blip to remind myself of the day when I got so bored I tried to write 'moon' with the moon.

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