
Hils and the kids decided to extend their stay in Auckland, meaning they could come out fishing today with my Dad, sister and brother-in-law today (they were heading to Hamilton).

Pretty nice day and not too much wind, so into the Motuihe Channel we went, along with hundreds (it seemed) of other boats. Caught a few smallish ones and then after an hour or so of good fun moved on, closer to Waiheke. Then the fishing really started. Almost immediately I landed a great snapper on Hannahs small rod, and then we caught a number more. All up about 12 in total, of which 7 or 8 were very good sized fishing. Fabulous day and such good fun. And great to be out with Dad and the family - shows it's about the people, not just the place. Although Auckland Harbour is a pretty nice place to be!

Then back into the marine, home to mum and dads, a quick repack and then off to the airport for me. Time to go home. Hil and the kids dropped me off, they are off to Cambridge. I'll be home alone for 10 days now. Lots to do and organise so it's a good time, and they will have fun up here.

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