Jess & Molly Law

By jml

A dog's breakfast

This is another inspired by the weekly challenge.

This week, it is 'macro', and I did one for yesterday, my first attempt at the challenge. But I notice that the last two weeks were 'cold' and 'breakfast'. I thought I could combine all three in one blip, while staying within my theme - the lives of Jess & Molly Law.

Molly takes three medicines in her breakfast. One is a cranberry capsule, in the centre of this image. The second is Incurin, a small white pill which is out of sight. The third is a syrup, which may be part of the sheen on the meat to the lower left - but more likely, this is just part of the jelly which comes out of the meat tin.

(The big white 'thing' at the top is not another pill - it is the spoon we use to mark Molly's dish. At least it is better than what we used to do: read this story.)

All in all, a cold breakfast - not even a cup of coffee!

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