
By middleman


The choice at 8.50am was either come home and do housework or take myself and a bag full of cameras, lenses and film along the canal for a couple of hours. Needless to say, the floor in this room *just looks down and verifies* still needs hoovering.

Lovely, sunny day and very quiet along the towpath. Plenty of time for lots of fiddling, focusing, aperture adjustments and the like, trying a few things out with the old film SLRs. Whilst catching up with one of my film review podcasts from over Christmas that I'd never got round to listening to and was quite surprised to hear Simon Mayo read out a tweet of mine about best/worst films of the year that I'd completely forgotten about. (In case anyone's interested: Best - The Arbor, Another Year, Worst - Shutter Island).

So - photos taken early, blip uploaded early, have been up too late for too long recently and could really do more sleep for once. I say that all the time and it never happens, but maybe, just maybe, tonight's the night...

Decent sounds on the kitchen stereo today with a bit more from Will Oldham/Bonnie Prince Billy (the writer of this song, as covered by the great Johnny Cash) and some mysterious dark, dubby shenanignas from the terrific Demdike Stare. That reminds me, there are two boxes of new records and CDs that came in the post, still unopened and sitting on the table right in front of me. Best rectify that as soon as possible.

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