Thistle Down

By Ethel


So often as I ponder,
And scan my memory.
The presence of a dear one,
Stands looking down at me.

I see her lovely countenance,
That helped in days of strife.
And I glory in remembrances,
That were the joys of life.

Those years of happy childhood,
Are forever creeping in.
And in deepest meditation,
They give me cause to grin.

With treasured adolescence,
Sealing in the files of truth.
She pointed out with deep concern,
The building blocks of youth.

The days of sweet maturity,
Were fitted like a glove.
She trusted me to measure-up,
And fill the world with love.

O how can I repay her,
For there's never been another?
Who tried to put so much in me,
As did my own ...dear mother.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

Happy Birthday, MOM!! You are the best!

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