SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

School tool 2.

The other day you got a white board marker (I got lots of ribbing for that one on FB... apparently I need to get out more, well ok I do! lol ) today you get, my projector! A tool I am struggling to do without as I am now in a classroom again and I have no laptop to use it. Hope the techs get it sorted soon! Once upon a time there was teaching and all a teacher needed was a piece of chalk and a board to write on... now alas we seemingly can't live without our modern technology to help us produce wizz bang lessons!

Actually the real reason behind this shot was, I was testing my zoom lens with a colleague as its been playing up... probably due to the bashing right on the end of it that I gave it back in October. All this testing led to a discussion about which lenses to buy to compliment what I have now. There are a few that I have to say get me interested in deed. My colleague is a Nikon user and has some very nice lenses and we were looking at the Canon equivalents. It was all very geeky talk... but lots of fun and its great we share ideas. We're helping each other out at the moment. Thanks S!

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