
By Amalarian


I made one last trip to this old house this morning. I know a pair of old shoes doesn't look like a house but I was much taken with them sitting alone in an upstairs room. A rag doll would have been more poignant but the last people to live there had four boys and their legacy was punctured footballs. It was so dark I had to use flash. This washed out the wonderful and very old hand made floor tiles. So be it, the other shots were all very blurred. There was no way I was going to drag a tripod around that house.

There isn't much left to photograph except the house itself and the ugly fireplace in the kitchen.

This is the house. As you can see, it is not in bad condition at all. It would "only" take several hundred thousand euros to fix it up. I gained entry by the door on the far right, only partly visible. House

And this is the fireplace. It is filled with rubble which I didn't want to remove. Fireplace

For the record: Winter is back. +7 C, dark grey skies, cold rain. A wall is being built where the landslide was. The stone masons are wet but they carry on. A late Christmas present arrived, a Kindle. I downloaded the new Mark Twain autobiography. Amazon zapped up the required £s but the book did not download. I don't think I like it all that much.

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