The Kingdom of Blue


Is this a "Grown-up" thing?

When I went to my favourite sit-spot in "Dr T's" study I found that all the books were gone and the shelves empty!

No one told me that he is moving and that there will be a new study soon and this must be a grown-up thing not to talk to little people about their plans and things. "Dr T" however told me that I will have a very nice place in his new study.

I have decided to use my contacts and see if we can do a Deep Earth Scan (DES) somewhere in Africa to show you some of the children that can receive soft toys once the Kingdom of Blue is sorted. All this will be placed on this blip and hopefully ensure that more people will start knitting and the CNN (Constant Nit Network) becomes real.

(See my blip of 22 December to understand what a DES is)

Thanks to all who are already knitting!!!

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