
By Kiwidino


I spent the entire day working on a new path.

1 - Dig out excess soil and general accumulated garden rubbish.
2 - Shovel into wheelbarrow
3 - Wheel the barrow around the corner and shovel from barrow to trailer
4 - Repeat 1 to 3 until trailer full
5 - Drive to refuse station where soil can be dumped to be re-used as
hardfill by someone else in the future
(they still charge you to dump it).
Shovel soil off trailer - Soil now shovelled three times.
6 - Repeat 1 to 5 until sufficiently excavated
7 - Obtain trailer load of base course
8 - Shovel base course from trailer to wheel barrow
9 - Wheel the barrow around the corner and tip into excavated path area
10 - Rake out base course
11 - Repeat 8 - 10 until trailer empty.

Stage 2 (tomorrow)
1 - hire compactor to vibrate/compact the base course to create a firm platform
2 - Obtain trailer load of crusher dust and pallet of cobblestones
3 - Spread crusher dust following 8-10 in stage 1
4 - Place cobblestones, altering crusher dust depth as required for flat finish

Not much time to Blip other than the path in progress at the end of the day.

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